SESplan Main Issues Report Consultation – 21 July to 30 September 2015
The Main Issues Report is the first stage in preparing a new Strategic Development Plan for the South East Scotland City Region which covers the council areas of City of Edinburgh, East Lothian, Midlothian, Scottish Borders, the southern half of Fife and West Lothian. The Main Issues Report is a planning document which covers issues such as the locations for growth, the number of houses needed, strategic infrastructure and the environment. It presents a series of issues and options and asks questions about how to meet current and future planning challenges.
If you require further information or have any difficulties using the portal please contact the SESplan team on 01506 282883 during office hours or email
Yours faithfully
Ian Angus
Strategic Development Plan Manager
SESplan, Civic Centre, Howden South Road, Livingston EH54 6FF
Have your say
The following are links to the main sections of the consultation on the SESPlan Consultation Portal.
You don’t need to respond to all sections, but you do need to Register in order to make a response.
Please see the How To Respond section if you require a paper form to be sent out.
How to Respond (Link opens in new window)
Foreword (Link opens in new window)
1 A Vision for Edinburgh and South East Scotland (Link opens in new window)
The preferred option for the vision is: “The south east Scotland region is a thriving, successful and sustainable area in which all orms of deprivation and inequality are reduced and the region is internationally recognised as an outstanding area to live, work and do business. We will build on the strengths of all parts of the region and identify opportunities for growth and development while conserving and enhancing the natural and built environment.”
2 A Strategy for Edinburgh and South East Scotland (Link opens in new window)
The preferred option is to change the Spatial Strategy to accommodate a higher proportion of development close to Edinburgh where there is greatest demand. Each of the options do not propose more or less growth than each other, just different ways it could be accommodated throughout the region.
3 A Place to do Business (Link opens in new window)
The preferred option is to identify significant business clusters which reflect the different economies of the city, towns and rural areas in the region and, for the visitor economy, to safeguard nationally and regionally important tourism and recreation development and emerging tourism opportunities. There will also be a spatial framework diagram for onshore wind which will set out broad areas where wind turbines may be acceptable subject to detailed Local Development Plan policies, but no spatial guidance on the location of onshore oil and gas installations.
4 A Place for Communities(Link opens in new window)
This section looks at the predicted number of houses required over the 20 year plan period, and where the need and demand for houses occurs. It also considers affordable housing needs, town centres and green networks.
5 A Better Connected Place (Link opens in new window)
This section looks at how to encourage more people to walk, cycle or use public transport and ensure that development supports improved public transport and infrastructure.
6 Delivery(Link opens in new window)
The approach to delivery and how sites are delivered on the ground is key to achieving the overall vision and spatial strategy of SDP2. The preferred option is to investigate the establishment of a strategic infrastructure fund. In such funds, contributions and risks are shared among councils, between councils and central government and across public and private sectors. The funds generally feature a mix of public sector forward funding, private sources of finance and a clear system of region wide developer contributions, to produce a continually replenished ‘revolving’ fund.
7 Are there any other Issues to consider? (Link opens in new window)
Do you think SDP2 could do more to help the area adapt to climate change? Do you consider that development planning and community planning in Edinburgh and South East Scotland could be better aligned? If so, please suggest ways in which this could be achieved? Are there any other issues which SDP2 should address? Are there any other forms of communication you would like SESplan to use during consultations?
8 The Strategic Development Plan Process (Link opens in new window)
Main Issues Report – Easy Read Guide
Main Issues Report