No new major planning applications in the Portobello area have been submitted or decided in the last week.
The following applications have been decided:
- 15/01868/CLP has been granted: Alteration to existing rear elevation. Existing rear door and window to be removed and new opening formed to install new patio doors. 3 No existing timber windows to be removed and replaced with new double glazed timber windows to existing side elevation to rear of property, at 1 Bedford Terrace
- 15/00967/LBC has been granted: 1. Remove existing rear door and window, fit new double door in centre with fixed lights either side, finished in white paint. All double glazed. 2. Replace sills to bedrooms 2 and 3 and narrow window 4 to lounge, repaint all four windows in white, draught proof all 3 sash and case windows. 3. Replace jointly owned rear boundary fence with similar style, in height of 2 metres, at 15A Rosefield Avenue
The following application has been submitted:
- 15/03104/LBC: Replacement of all existing cast iron gutters with aluminium gutters, at 23A Argyle Crescent