The above plan has now been submitted to Scottish Ministers on 29 May 2015 for examination. We are writing to you because you have previously made representations to the City of Edinburgh Council regarding this plan and the Scottish Ministers have been made aware that your representation has not been resolved. The local development plan is a document that sets out which types of development should take place where, and which areas should be protected from development. It also contains policies that inform the Council’s decisions on planning applications.
You may have made comments in objection to a policy or proposal of the local development plan which was published for representations in 2014
The reporter will now commence the examination of conformity with the Council’s participation statement as required by Section 19(4) of the Act. I can also confirm that to comply with Section 19(7) of the Act, the examination of the above plan under Section 19(3) of the Act will not commence until the examination of conformity with the participation statement under 19(4) has concluded, or until four weeks from 02 June 2015 which is the date of the appointment of the reporter, whichever is the latter. Therefore, the earliest date upon which the examination of issues raised in representations will commence is 30 June 2015.
A notice is being published in the local press, the Edinburgh Evening News.
If you would like to see the plan which is being examined a copy is available for public viewing in the Council’s offices at Waverley Court, 4 East Market Street, and in every public libraryserving the plan area and also on the Council’s website:
Information about the examination and summary of the issues (known as Schedule 4 Forms) being addressed by the reporters can be found at the DPEA website:
The Scottish Ministers have appointed Allison Coard MA MPhil MRTPI to carry out the examination of the above plan. The Council has provided her with a summary of the issues that the council considers should be assessed at the examination and a copy of your representation.
Please note that additional reporters may be appointed to support the speedy delivery of the report.
You do not need to take any action in response to this letter. The reporter is not expected to require further information from you, but if she does the DPEA will write to you, specifying what is needed and how you should submit it.
Please note that DPEA will publish the Schedule 4 Forms, Further Information Requests and Responses, Document Lists, any Hearing Statements, Recommendations by Issue Table and the Report.
A guidance note that explains development plan examinations for people who have submitted representations is available at the weblink below:
If you require further information about the progress of the examination please contact Jayne Hollas, Directorate for Planning and Environmental Appeals, 4 The Courtyard, Callendar Business Park, Falkirk, FK1 1XR, or telephone 01324 696454, or
Finally, please find attached the Councils new Development Plan Scheme (May 2015). This sets out general information on the project. If you have any queries please contact me or 0131 529 4692.
Yours faithfully
Marius Hince
Support Officer – Local Planning Policy
Click to view: DPS May 2015