A brand new park is to be built on the site of the existing Portobello High School and St. John’s Primary School. The new park is linked to the building of the two new schools and is expected to be delivered around autumn 2017. Planning starts now and from the end of June, until end December 2015 we want your ideas and suggestions about what you would like to see included in the new park. This will help shape the design, layout and equipment installed.
£1m has been allocated to cover the costs of designing and delivering the new park. Separate funding will support a six month long consultation exercise across the whole East neighbourhood. Local people of all ages will be encouraged to input their suggestions about the most appropriate use and features for the new green space, and the name of the new park
One of the Council’s partners, Edinburgh & Lothian Greenspace Trust (ELGT) will lead the comprehensive community engagement programme. To start the process, ELGT will participate in the ‘Here Comes Summer’ event on 20 June, and the ‘Craigmillar Gala Day’ on 27 June. The full range of local engagement events is being finalised and will include – a door-to-door survey of homes surrounding the new park; formal engagement with local stakeholders including community councils, schools, community organisations, residents groups, Friends of Parks; Neighbourhood Partnerships and sub-groups, specific community engagement events in libraries, parks, shopping areas, street stalls and on and off-line surveys, and larger local community events and galas. The aim is to encourage as many people as possible to help us shape a unique and exciting new park.
By spring 2016, an ‘outline design’ will be developed based on the consultation findings. The Craigentinny & Duddingston Neighbourhood Partnership has responsibility for approving the draft design proposals and ensuring that the Portobello & Craigmillar Neighbourhood Partnership also receives all updates, reports and draft design plans. This timeline complements key elements of the new school(s) project and may provide options to link elements of the proposed design with work on the school site. This may help deliver more value for our money.
To receive regular updates, or get involved please join our e-mail distribution list by contacting ELGT at: yoursay@ELGT.org.uk or ring 0131 445 4025 and you will be kept informed of upcoming events and ongoing progress.