No new major planning applications in the Portobello area have been submitted or decided in the last week.
The following applications have been decided:
- 15/01867/FUL has been granted: First storey side extension over existing garage and new veluxes on the front and rear elevations, at 162 Gilberstoun
- 15/01824/LBC and 15/01831/FUL have been granted: New fixed frame timber window to ground floor level of side elevation to an existing two storey extension (as amended), at 21 Bath Street
- 15/01579/ADV, 15/01580/LBC and 15/01581/FUL have been granted: Install a new shopfront. Remove the party wall and merge two retail units into one. Refit the shop with new floor finishes, wall boards and false ceiling, electrics, plumbing and lighting, at 168 Portobello High Street (Greggs)
The following applications have been submitted:
- 15/00967/LBC: 1. Remove existing rear door and window, fit new double door in centre with fixed lights either side, finished in white paint. All double glazed. 2. Replace sills to bedrooms 2 and 3 and narrow window 4 to lounge, repaint all four windows in white, draught proof all 3 sash and case windows. 3. Replace jointly owned rear boundary fence with similar style, in height of 2 meters. at 15A Rosefield Avenue
- 15/02455/FUL: Access improvement works which involve removing the existing step up into the building and providing an new external step and ramp, at 134C Portobello High Street (TSB)
- 15/02464/FUL: Single storey pitched roof extension to side of property and internal alterations, at 114 Seaview Terrace
- 15/02491/FUL: Remove sash and case window in living room. Install timber french doors. Install concrete steps down to exterior level. (In retrospect) at GF1 55 Morton Street
- 15/02532/LBC: Move kitchen into living area and create second bedroom, at GF1 30 Marlborough Street
Outwith the Portobello CC area, but of local interest – Avant Homes are holding a community exhibition about their proposals for a planning application to develop the Telferton Allotments site. The exhibition will be on Monday 22 June and Tuesday 23 June (both 3 – 8pm) in the Wilson Memorial Church, Moira Terrace; see: