No new major planning applications in the Portobello area have been submitted or decided in the last week.
The following applications have been decided:
- 15/01815/FUL is permitted development: Proposed erection of a heated conservatory to rear of property, at 113 Gilberstoun
- 15/01118/FUL has been granted: Erect two storey extension to side boundary, at 66 Durham Road
- 15/00862/FUL has been granted: Remove existing outshoot and form 2 storey extension to rear (as amended), at 26 Adelphi Place
- 14/05322/FUL minded to grant, subject to legal agreement on affordable housing: Re-development and extension of redundant office building to create 26 flats with associated landscaping and parking (as amended) | 275 Portobello High Stree
The following applications have been submitted:
- 15/01824/LBC: New fixed frame timber window to ground floor level of side elevation to an existing two storey extension, at 21 Bath Street
- 15/01905/FUL: Single storey extension to rear, at 6 Brunstane Road
- 15/01919/FUL: Change of use from travel agent to cafe with limited cooking, at 135 Portobello High Street
- 15/01868/CLP: Alteration to existing rear elevation. Existing rear door and window to be removed and new opening formed to install new timber patio doors. 3 No existing timber windows to be removed and replaced with new double glazed timber windows to existing side elevation to rear of property, at 1 Bedford Terrace