No new major planning applications in the Portobello area have been submitted or decided in the last week.
No applications have been decided.
The following new applications have been submitted:
- 15/01118/FUL: Erect two storey extension to side boundary, at 66 Durham Road
- 15/01160/LBC: Remove sash and case windows and wall below. Install timber french doors, form material slapping. Install concrete steps down to exterior ground level (in retrospect), at GF1 55 Morton Street
- 15/01184/FUL: Use of premises as hot food takeaway (sui generis), at 3 Brighton Place
Additionally there have been updates on:
- 14/05322/FUL: Re-development and extension of redundant office building to create 26 flats with associated landscaping and parking, at 275 Portobello High Street (Phoenix House) – updated drawings, with changes to parking arrangements, exterior cladding and minor interior changes