• Portobello Community Council
  • c/o 14 Rosefield Avenue
  • Portobello
  • EH15 1AU

Meet The Funders event, Thursday, 23 April, 1 – 4 pm

Posted on: March 16th, 2015


Thursday 23 April 2015
1.00 – 4.00pm
The Central Library,George IV Bridge
Meet the Funders is a free public marketplace event providing access to 
funding information for community projects. It is an opportunity for groups to 
discuss their ideas with potential funders and collect a range of information 
about possible sources of grant aid. No need to book – just drop in.
Free Goodie Bags! 
Exhibitors expected include:
Heritage Lottery Fund 
The Melting Pot The Charity Bank 
General Enquiries Business Gateway 
Edinburgh4Community Bank of Scotland Foundation 
Pass It On Registered Tenants Asscn Grants 
Community Grants Fund The Clothworkers Foundation 
Sportscotland Unity Trust Bank 
Princes Trust Youth Business Scotland
Royal Bank of Scotland Foundation 
Lloyds TSB Foundation
Edinburgh Voluntary Organisations 
Edinburgh & Lothian Trust Fund 
Social Investment Scotland 
First Port
Turn 2 Us 
CSV Action Earth Grab a Grant
Grow Wild Scotland
Resourcing Scotland’s Heritage
LOOPS Local Opportunities for Older 
Kelly Family Trust


Maureen Thompson | Policy Assistant | Local Community Planning | Services for Communities | The City of Edinburgh Council | The Drum Brae Library Hub, 81 Drum Brae Drive, Edinburgh, EH4 7FE | Phone 0131 469 3595 



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