At the City of Edinburgh Council Development Management sub-Committee this week the Crudens and ALDI outline planning application for the Baileyfield site 14/03736/PPP was granted. ALDI parking provision has been reserved, subject to further approval.
The following minor application has been decided:
- 14/04653/FUL has been granted: single storey flat roof extension to rear of house, at 6 Esplanade Terrace
The following new applications have been submitted:
- 14/05053/LBC: Replacement windows, at 2F1 5 Straiton Place
- 14/05058/FUL: Erect a wooden workshop on vacant gravel area of rear garden and remove existing wooden shed, at 33 Esplanade Terrace
- 14/05080/FUL: Form drive in to front elevation of house, at 37 Argyle Crescent
- 14/05134/FUL: Two storey extension to the side of existing house, at 10 Gilberstoun Loan
- 14/05160/LBC: Replace existing timber windows with like-for-like slimline double glazed timber sash and case windows, at 1F2 37 Bath Street
- 14/05166/FUL: New side extension to accommodate two en-suite shower rooms, at 99 Seaview Terrace
- 14/05201/TCO: Permission for tree works, at 48 Argyle Crescent
- 14/05202/TCO: Permission for tree works, at 50 Argyle Crescent
(there will be no planning summary next week)