No new major planning applications in the Portobello area have been submitted or decided in the last week.
The following minor applications have been decided:
- 14/03803/FUL and 14/03801/ADV have been granted: The retention of an installed ATM through the shop front (in retrospect) / Internally illuminated white lettering "Free Cash withdrawals" out of black surround to ATM fascia and blue halo illumination to ATM surround, at 168 Portobello High Street
- 14/03631/FUL has been granted: Alter rear window to form French Doors to Garden and form 1 no roof light on main roof and 1 no rooflight on single storey roof over kitchen, at 15 Esplanade Terrace
- 14/03592/FUL has been granted: Demolish existing single storey extension and replace with brick clad extension. New french doors to rear, at 9 Esplanade Terrace
The following new applications have been submitted:
- 14/04653/FUL: Proposed single storey flat roof extension to rear of dwellinghouse with parapet walls at roof level. Walls to be finished with a render. New metal double glazed window and sliding folding door to be painted grey, at 6 Esplanade Terrace
- 14/04444/LBC: Remove existing pews and other internal fixtures, at St James Church, 2A Rosefield Place
- 14/04687/FUL: Part change of use from office to residential (to form 2 bedroom basement flat), upper floor retained as office, at 95 Portobello High Street
- 14/04579/PNT: The addition of an electronic equipment cabinet on a new freestanding support structure; and associated works at the existing base station, at Edinburgh College, 24 Milton Road East