On 3 June 2014 Edinburgh Council’s Transport and Environment Committee approved consultation on extending 20mph speed limits to many roads in Edinburgh. Portobello Community Council undertook consultation to inform its response to Edinburgh Council.
Our consultation was carried out in-person at the Portobello Village Show, plus online. The online consultation was promoted by email, Facebook, Twitter and leaflets in local notice boards.
In total 118 responses were received, with 74% supportive, or strongly supportive of the proposals. Based on these responses, Portobello Community Council supports the proposal, with the following comments:
<![if !supportLists]>n <![endif]>A 20 mph limit should be considered for Musselburgh Road; 84% of respondents supported this
<![if !supportLists]>n <![endif]>A 30 mph limit should be considered for Milton Road and Milton Road East; 61% of respondents supported a limit lower than the current 40 mph