The Council are consulting on three possible options for the future location of St John’s RC Primary School. The consultation period runs for eight weeks, from today, Friday 26 September until Friday 14 November 2014.
The three proposed options are listed below.
· Option 1 – Refurbishment and partial new build on the existing site
· Option 2 – New build on the existing site
· Option 3 – New build on the adjacent Portobello High School site
If you would like more information the full consultation paper can be read and downloaded at
If you would like a hard copy of the consultation paper, they can be collected from St John’s RC Primary School or you can call (0131) 469 3136 to ask for one to be sent to you. You can also find reference copies in Portobello, Piershill and Craigmillar Libraries and in local nurseries.
A public meeting will be held as part of the consultation process. Anyone with an interest in the proposal is welcome to come along to the meeting, to be held in:
St John’s RC Primary School on Tuesday 28 October 2014 (7pm – 8.30pm)
Council staff will attend the meeting to provide more information and to take questions. Please call (0131) 469 3136 no later than 20 October if you have any requests for translation services or childcare to be provided at the meeting.
The Council would like to hear from as many people as possible. All comments should arrive by Friday 14 November 2014. They can be e-mailed to or posted to Children & Families | The City of Edinburgh Council | Waverley Court, Business Centre 1/2 | 4 East Market Street, Edinburgh, EH8 8BG