• Portobello Community Council
  • c/o 14 Rosefield Avenue
  • Portobello
  • EH15 1AU

Summary of Planning Applications and Decisions for week commencing 15 September 2014

Posted on: September 16th, 2014

No new major planning applications in the Portobello area have been submitted or decided in the last week.

The following minor applications have been decided:

  • 14/02833/FUL has been granted: Single storey extension to rear and attic conversion, at 1 Brunstane Bank

The following new applications have been submitted:

  • 14/03530/LBC: Internal alterations to create new kitchen and bathroom, at 3 Marlborough Street
  • 14/03592/FUL: Demolish existing single storey extension and replace with brick clad extension. New french doors to rear, at 9 Esplanade Terrace
  • 14/03655/FUL, 14/03656/LBC, 14/03657/ADV: Change of use to beauty and tanning salon from laundrette, with internal alterations and new external signage, at 62 Portobello High Street

pdf icon Weekly-List-15.09.14A.pdf
pdf icon Weekly-List-15.09.14D.pdf