• Portobello Community Council
  • c/o 14 Rosefield Avenue
  • Portobello
  • EH15 1AU

The Big Vote Portobello – Helping You Decide

Posted on: August 18th, 2014


Venue: St Mark’s Church
Date: Wednesday, 27th August
Time: 7:30pm
Entry: Free

The Big Vote is supported by the Scottish Community Alliance and has been designed to promote conversation about many of the key issues and arguments in the Scottish Independence Referendum debate. 

There is no top table and no key speakers.  Representatives from Yes Scotland and Better Together campaigns are on hand to support the table based discussions and answer questions when called upon to do so. The Big Vote aims to create a ‘safe’ and relaxed opportunity for local people to explore some of the big issues related to the independence question, in an environment which is mutually respectful of all sides of the argument. 

The way these events work is that people sit in groups of 5-6 at small tables and play a card game which has been specially designed to promote conversation about many of the key issues and arguments in the debate.

Entry is free but please let us know you plan to attend by e-mailing secretary@portobellocc.org or calling 07866 048685

doc icon The-Big-Vote_Portobello.docx
pdf icon The-Big-Vote_flyer.pdf