No new major planning applications in the Portobello area have been submitted or decided in the last week.
The following minor applications have been decided:
- 14/02610/LBC has been granted: Form door in place of existing window, internal alterations and demolish garage, at 28 Brighton Place
- 14/02376/FUL has been granted: Form a one-and-a-half storey kitchen and sitting room extension to the rear of a detached dwelling, at 163 Gilberstoun
- 14/02297/LBC has been granted: Replace the existing windows with slimline double glazed sash and case like for like, at 11A John Street
The following new applications have been submitted:
- 14/03094/ADV, 14/03095/ADV, 14/03096/ADV: Erection of temporary signboards to advertise development (new Portobello High School)
- 14/03145/FUL: Installation of 15m Smart Metering Monopole with accompanying groundbased equipment, at 20m Northwest Of 212 Sir Harry Lauder Road