No new major planning applications in the Portobello area have been submitted or decided in the last week.
The following minor applications have been decided:
- 14/02510/FUL has been granted: Installation of an ATM through the shop front; to be installed as a through glass installation (in retrospect), at 120-122 Portobello High Street
- 14/02140/FUL has been granted: Form pitched roofs, at 47 Durham Square
The following new applications have been submitted:
- 14/03025/LBC: Internal alterations to form access stair into basement at 292 Portobello High Street
- 14/03034/FUL: Part change of use from office to residential (to form 2 bedroom basement flat), upper floor retained as office, at 95 Portobello High Street
- 14/03039/FUL: New dormer window to the South and velux windows to the West elevation, at 108 Seaview Terrace
- 14/03052/LBC: Installation of conservation rooflights to front elevation of property, at 37A Marlborough Street