The attached report summarises the results of the recent consultation run by Portobello Community Council regarding dogs on Portobello Beach. It will be discussed at the 26 May 2014 meeting of the community council, and any actions decided then.
- Majority of all respondents (online, email, and in person) prefer the status quo to the beach zoning options outlined. A variety of reasons are cited, chiefly that they would be unworkable or unenforceable, they wouldn’t be effective in tackling the problem and would be an unreasonable restraint on the majority of dog owners and dog walkers who would feel they were being punished for the actions of the irresponsible minority.
- Majority of all respondents are in favour of all dogs being on leads on the Prom.
- Amongst respondents who live within the Portobello Community Council area, there is also support for the status quo to remain 44% in favour and 40% against. Of the zoning options, there is a slight preference for Option 1 which proposes a zone where dogs should be kept on leads on the beach during the summer months.
- There is strong support for an all dogs on leads policy on the Prom amongst local dwellers. (52% in favour and 34% against).
- There is an issue felt by dog owners and non dog owners alike in relation to the control of dogs and dog fouling. Many people mentioned ‘irresponsible dog owners’ and a need for measures to target this group in a bid to get them to change their behaviour.
- Suggestions for improving the situation included: more effective enforcement of existing laws, greater visibility of wardens, education and training for dog owners, more dog poo bins and free dog poo bags.