• Portobello Community Council
  • c/o 14 Rosefield Avenue
  • Portobello
  • EH15 1AU

The Prince’s Regeneration Trust: BRICK workshop in Edinburgh, 22 May 2014

Posted on: May 13th, 2014

The Prince’s Regeneration Trust has recently started a new UK wide training and mentoring programme – Building Resources, Investment and Community Knowledge (BRICK). BRICK is a three year programme funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and a number of corporate sponsors, and it is aimed at community groups taking forward heritageled regeneration projects. For further information about BRICK please see here: http://www.princes-regeneration.org/resources/BRICK .


The second in the series of BRICK workshops will take place in Edinburgh on 22 May 2014. The day-long event will bring together community groups in Scotland and beyond, interested in learning about:

·         Ideas to options – Developing creative options for the reuse of historic buildings and sites

·         Funding journey – Funding strategies and effective management

·         Innovative financing – Social investment and community banking.

Speakers include representatives of Scottish Historic Buildings Trust, Purcell, The Royal Bank of Scotland and Social Investment Scotland, alongside The Prince’s Regeneration Trust.  The event will also feature interactive sessions and surgeries with the speakers, as well as a tour of the venue – itself a regeneration project. The event will be chaired by Rosie Fraser, The Prince’s Regeneration Trust’s Operations Director.


We are contacting you because we believe that you may be interested in this workshop. We encourage all community groups and all those involved in community lead regeneration projects to take the opportunity to learn through BRICK over the next three years. Further information about BRICK events will be disseminated through various heritage and regeneration agencies and membership organisations, local and regional press, social networking sites (Facebook and Twitter), email and via our new BRICK web site once that is up and running.


If you think that the workshop in Edinburgh might benefit you and would like to attend, please note that a registration fee of just under £20 per person will apply. This includes the cost of lunch & refreshments, online registration charges and VAT. A small number of travel bursaries are available on application.


To register for the event please follow the link: http://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/brick-workshop-2-edinburgh-tickets-11398696809 .


We would also be grateful if you could pass along details for this event to any other contacts or community groups that you think may benefit from attending.


Please do not hesitate to contact us at BRICKworkshops@princes-regeneration.org if you have any questions or require further information. Apologies for any cross-posting.


Kind regards


The BRICK Team

Building Resources, Investment and Community Knowledge

The Prince’s Regeneration Trust

14 Buckingham Palace Road, London, SW1W 0QP

T: 020 3262 0560  F: 020 3262 0570

E: BRICKworkshops@princes-regeneration.org

W: www.princes-regeneration.org