• Portobello Community Council
  • c/o 14 Rosefield Avenue
  • Portobello
  • EH15 1AU

Report on Community Consultation held at ScotMid, 1 February, 2014

Posted on: February 21st, 2014


PCC Community Consultation
1st February 2014, Scotmid, Portobello.

Portobello Community Council hosted a consultation exercise at Scotmid, Portobello on Saturday 1 st of February 2014. The consultation ran from 10:30 am until 12:30pm, traditionally a busy time in the store when local people do their shopping. During the two hours over 100 local residents were consulted.

The vast majority of participants lived in the area, while four people had travelled from elsewhere (three from Leith and one from further afield).
The aim of the morning was to gain some insight into what people valued about living in the PCC area and what would they hope to change or improve if they could.

People entering the store were asked to think about two things they liked about living in the Portobello area and what two things they would change or improve. Answers were collected on post it notes and later arranged into themes.

A fairly even spread of men and women were engaged and provided responses. A variety of ages took part in the consultation, from a small number (7) of young children to adults aged over 65 (approx. 20).

Read the full report:-