Portobello Holyrood Hustings - Your Questions for Candidates

Portobello Community Council is holding a Hustings event for candidates standing in the Edinburgh Eastern constituency and parties contesting the Lothian Electoral Region List vote in the Scottish Parliament 2016 elections.

Candidates from all the parties have been invited to attend and will be given equal opportunity to speak and answer questions.
Chair: Oonagh O'Brien, Queen Margaret University
Given limited time, it will not be possible to ask all questions, however you can submit questions in advance to ensure the important issues are raised. The second half of the event will feature live questions from the floor, rather than pre-submitted ones.

Hustings Event date: Wednesday, 20 April

Venue: Portobello Town Hall

Time: 7.30 pm

Please use the form below to submit your questions or write to secretary@portobellocc.org.

Please note: The Scottish Parliament elections will take place on Thursday, 5 May, 2016. Register to vote

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